Home // Webinars
Greg delivers both open, mass-participation webinars and customised online events for global clients.
To get a taste of his virtual work, check out four webinars from the popular Speaker Ideas Peak Performance in Challenging Times series which attracted participants from 25 different countries.
Greg co-hosted the series with neuroscientist Friederike Fabritius and Stand-Up Strategist Jamie Anderson.
Peak Performance in Challenging Times Series #4
45-minute webinar
How do you change for the better – when the whole world is changing around you?
This episode is based on the insights in Friederike Fabritius’ acclaimed book The Leading Brain: Neuroscience Hacks to Work Smarter, Better, Happier.
Delivered live on April 29th 2020
Peak Performance in Challenging Times Series #3
45-minute webinar
How can you unleash your human superpowers of consciousness, curiosity, creativity and collaboration?
This episode is based on the 4C’s leadership development model in Greg’s award-winning book, The Human Edge, how curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy.
Delivered live on April 23rd 2020
Peak Performance in Challenging Times Series #2
45-minute webinar
How do you use humour as a leader to boost team well-being, creativity and trust?
This episode is based Jamie Anderson’s research into humour – and the team are joined by BAFTA-winning comedy writer Tim Reid.
Delivered live on April 9th 2020
Peak Performance in Challenging Times Series #1
45-minute webinar
How can you stay productive when your entire life is turned upside down? And how can you help your teams to get through this challenging time?
This is the webinar that started it all – see Jamie, Friederike and Greg together for the first time ever!
Delivered live on March 26th 2020